Not very long ago I was a skinny gal running around with a high metabolism with a never ending appetite sporting those size 0 pants and oh my goodness, cute skinny high heels. Then on the eve of a best friends wedding, along came Mike; this guy who had not long moved form New Jersey who was born and raised in Poland, will until he was 9. That evening of all the girls for him to find in the world, he walked up and ask, "Hey, you want to play pool." I of course said no. However, my friend told him we would.
So that game of pool led to the day every girl dreams of as a child and every day of her life from the moment she's aware. We had the best wedding we could have ever had followed by the best Honeymoon Cruise! I didn't think it was possible, but we tried and succeeded. The two of use went on the cruise and three of us came back; of course it was nearly 8 weeks later when we found out for certain even though I felt as if it were so on that trip home!
So here it was. Pregnancy! The 'wise ones' or biter ones always tell you skinny girls get bigger during pregnancy or is it because it's a boy. Let me tell you; women seem to hate for other women to do or have something better than they had it. It's called jealousy, even when there is no reason for it. It's such a cruel thing really; why not be happy for one another and help each other out!
So here it was. Pregnancy! The 'wise ones' or biter ones always tell you skinny girls get bigger during pregnancy or is it because it's a boy. Let me tell you; women seem to hate for other women to do or have something better than they had it. It's called jealousy, even when there is no reason for it. It's such a cruel thing really; why not be happy for one another and help each other out!
Pregnancy definitely brought changes. Those first few months I
could hardly eat a thing! Hello morning sickness..not that you are welcome! What you do not hear is this new friend called morning sickness is not true to it's kin. Just because it's name is morning sickness does not necessarily mean you will vomit in the morning; it means you can gag and feel like you will ALL DAY LONG and it can take away the entire urge of wanting eat anything by making everything smell completely horrid!!There were days when I had to hold my nose, make a face and force myself to eat a banana as it was great for baby. I couldn't even eat sweets until the very end of the 9 months as sugary foods made me feel like I was shooting acidic poison into my veins to make me tremble.
I ate better or rather, aka more healthy foods such as whole grains and fresh vegetables as again, that was what baby needed and had me craving! I said 'ta ta for now' to my lovely new Keurig as i quit drinking coffee and tea cold turkey - not good for baby. Nothing went into my body that was not good for baby! So they say a glass of wine has no effect on the unborn; but how can they really tell that honestly. Would you give it to a child or baby? So many medicines are prohibited from women with child that I had to look for natural remedies for relief of an everlasting cold such as gargling apple cider vinegar which I learned should be diluted with MUCH water prior to!
So the pregnancy went great really. The morning sickness feeling only lasted the first few months which really flew by. At first I lost weight due to the wonderful smells turning my tummy
before I even saw them and didn't really gain much until the very end which is where they say you gain the most.
Nearly 60 extra pounds later (whoops) and to the due date on the dot I delivered my beautiful son weighing 8 lbs 10 oz and 22" long.
To be continued....
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